Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blog Six-- Conclusion

After reflecting on the data gathered throughout this case study process and looking over my proposed research question: 

Are the vital ideals of Christianity being diminished (regarded as less sacred) or strengthened (becoming pervasive throughout more of society) because of the tweets from evangelical leaders alongside parody accounts of deities through the popular social media website, Twitter?  

It has become very aware to me the answer of my proposed question. After looking at the great amount of follower response seen by the three accounts (Max Lucado, Hood Jesus and Reverend Run Wisdom) one can easily conclude that the vital ideals of Christianity are not being lost over the mode in which they are being displayed (Twitter). In fact, it would seem that religion is even being enforced. Users are able to see religion lived out and are then able to apply it to their own lives more easily than one might be able to when sitting at a pew in church or reading the Bible for themselves. The information has already been interpreted and therefore presented in a clear way for others to read and find useful. 
As discussed in class, these Twitter accounts are all examples of networked religion. The best example is Max Lucado's Twitter presence. Traditionally, one would have to go and meet face to face with a pastor through a formal arrangement or call him in his church office in order to speak with him outside of church times. Pastors were held at a different level from the congregation almost making them intimidating people. Twitter works to break this barrier between the head of the church and the church's members or even anyone in society. Lucado is able to respond directly to followers on his Twitter account that many have never stepped foot into his San Antonio church. A networked religion reworks traditional boundaries and roles in religion and allows for more access by more people. This is a great aspect of using technology and new media to enhance religion. In the Christian faith it is taught that everyone is created equal in the eyes of God so having a hierarchal system in the church seems to contradict the teachings from the Bible. Twitter helps level the playing field and gives easy access to lived Christianity through accounts such as Max Lucado and even Reverend Run Wisdom. 
Christian based Twitter accounts are making religion easy and accessible to a generation of youth who are predominately non-religious. Evidence is seen in the numbers. All of the Twitter accounts being analyzed have over 100,000 Twitter followers and receive many "likes" and "retweets" and each Tweet posted by all three accounts. This shows a strong and active following from the Twitter community.